Friday, April 16, 2010

Process Essay: The Holy Beads

Praying the rosary is an important factor in the lives of the Catholic community because with that, we can be closer to God, our Creator. Each bead of the rosary contains a prayer and signifies intentions. Overall, steps are divided into three: starting to pray the rosary, reciting the mysteries, and post recitation of the mysteries.

The first part would be about the steps on how to start praying the rosary. First of all, you need a rosary. Make the sign of the cross to start praying. Then recite the Apostles' Creed. After that, move to the next bead and recite Our Father. On the next three beads, recite three Hail Marys, with one Hail Mary on each bead. Then say Glory be to the Father.

The next part would be about reciting the mysteries of the rosary. The four mysteries are: Joyful, Sorrowful, Glorious, and Luminous which would depend upon the day you are reciting the rosary. Holding the next bead, announce the first mystery. After announcing the first mystery, say Our Father, For the next ten beads, one Hail Mary must be recited on each bead. After the Hail Mary on the tenth bead, move to the next and say Glory Be to the Father. Still holding the same bead, say the Fatima Ejaculation. Announce the second, third, fourth, and fifth mysteries after the Fatima Ejaculation on each decade.

At last, the final part would be about the post-recitation of the mysteries. After saying the last Fatima Ejaculation, still holding the same bead, recite the Hail Holy Queen. Then recite the Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mother. After that, say the prayer Let Us Pray. Then end the praying of the rosary with the sign of the cross.

The Holy Beads would our guide in living our lives the best way we can. The rosary can be our shield and sword against the evil, and it can also be our bestfriend who can be beside us wherever we go. It will lead us to a better life with God. It is never too late to start a new life living in a world of prayers.

At first, I had a hard time thinking of a topic. Then I remembered our fourth year adviser who taught us a lot of things especially praying the rosary. So I chose the topic that I am most familiar with. I did not find it very hard writing this essay; and I am very satisfied with the outcome of my composition.

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